Identification of bacterial leaf spot and soft rot agents on ornamental plants in Isfahan province, Iran

Document Type : Research paper-Persian



Bacterial leaf spot and soft rot is one of the most economically important diseases that affect roots, tubers, leaves and stem of ornamental plants. The disease is caused by a wide range of pectolytic bacteria. To identify the agent of the bacterial leaf spot diseases of ornamental plants in Isfahan province, 70 samples of some ornamental plants showing soft rot and leaf spot symptoms from several various greenhouses were collected. After isolation of bacteria, pathogenicity of isolates was considered by inoculation of their origin host plants. Identification of bacteria was performed using morphological and biochemical tests and the sequence of its 16S rDNA. Results showed that the examined isolates belong to Pectobacterium carotovorum. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a P. carotovorum on ornamental plants in Isfahan province.
