Effect of nano-K, potassium sulphate and salicylic acid on tomato growth and control of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica)

Document Type : Research paper-Persian


Department of Plant Pathology, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran


The current study was performed in two separate experiments. In the first experiment, the effect of Nano-K and potassium sulphate fertilizers as well as salicylic acid (SA) was assessed on the growth of nematode-free tomato plants. In the second experiment, the effect of mentioned fertilizers and SA was investigated on plant growth and nematode control in a completely randomized factorial design. The recommended dose of potassium sulphate was mixed with the soil of one kg pot a week prior to planting tomato seeds. Nano-K fertilizer was sprayed on tomato seedlings three days before- and two weeks after-nematode inoculation. SA was sprayed 24 h before- and one week after-nematode inoculation. Tomato seedlings were inoculated with five eggs and second stage juveniles of Meloidogyne javanica at the four-leaf stage. The pots were kept in a green house for eight weeks. The highest growth of nematode-free tomato plants was seen in the pots that were sprayed with Nano-K or SA. In the nematode-infected plants, the highest plant growth and lowest nematode reproduction occurred when the plants were sprayed with SA and nano-K. When spraying with SA was not feasible, application of potassium sulphate did not resulted in the best plant growth, but it can be more effective in reducing the population density of M. javanica in long-term.
