Haji-Zadeh, J.
Studies on the Feeding Behavior of Stethorus gilvifrons Mulsant (Col: Coccinellidae) [Volume 18, 1,2, 1996, Pages 71-88]
Hodjat, S.H.
An Outline of the Morphology and Bio-Ecology of Prophyrophora tritici (Bod.) (Homoptera: Margarodidae) in Kermanshah [Volume 18, 1,2, 1996, Pages 57-70]
Kamali, K.
Studies on the Feeding Behavior of Stethorus gilvifrons Mulsant (Col: Coccinellidae) [Volume 18, 1,2, 1996, Pages 71-88]
Mossadegh, M. S.
Studies on the Feeding Behavior of Stethorus gilvifrons Mulsant (Col: Coccinellidae) [Volume 18, 1,2, 1996, Pages 71-88]
Vahedi, H.A.
An Outline of the Morphology and Bio-Ecology of Prophyrophora tritici (Bod.) (Homoptera: Margarodidae) in Kermanshah [Volume 18, 1,2, 1996, Pages 57-70]
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