Terms and conditions for manuscript submission

General Considerations
  • It is necessary to observe the basic principles of writing and research in writing articles, and articles should be written and arranged according to the format of the journal.
  • Before submitting an article, all authors should read the authors' guide and the terms and conditions of submitting an article in this journal.
  • The corresponding author must confirm and submit the consent and knowledge of other co-authors of the article in this publication through the authors' commitment form.
  • All authors whose names are mentioned in the article and in the letter of commitment form must participate in writing and compiling the article.
  • Appreciation and organizational affiliation of authors should be mentioned in the article and any conflicts of interest between authors or organizations should be mentioned.
  • For the sustainability and development of the specialized review process, qualified authors are invited to participate in the review process of other articles in this journal.
  • Authors should clearly report the sponsor of the research (if any).
  • Authors have a duty to notify the editor as soon as possible if they find a mistake or incorrection in their published article to correct or revoke the article.
  • All authors should be aware that articles submitted to this journal are reviewed by a similarity check software to prevent scientific misconduct.
  • Authors should cite correctly and appropriately all the sources they have used, both directly and indirectly.
  • During the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process, the corresponding author is typically responsible for communicating with the journal and ensuring that all of the journal's administrative requirements, such as authorship details, ethics committee approval, clinical trial registration documentation, and conflict of interest statements, are properly completed. Throughout the submission and peer review process, the corresponding author should promptly respond to editorial queries and cooperate with any requests from the journal after publication.

Changes of Authorship
  • After an article has been accepted for publication in the Plant Protection, no additional authors or changes to the first or corresponding authors are allowed. If an author wishes to be removed from the byline, he or she must submit a letter signed by the author and all other authors indicating their wish to be removed from the list of authors. Any change in the authors' order in the byline requires a letter signed by all authors indicating their agreement.

Authorship Criteria

Authors should guarantee that they have participated in creating the work as presented and that they have not
violated any other author’s legal rights (eg, copyright) in the process.

To ensure authorship for the submitted manuscripts, the contributors should meet the following conditions:

  • Conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data has been done by the author.
  • Either drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content has been done by the author.
  • The final approval of the version to be published has been given by the author.
  • Each contributor should have participated sufficiently in the work to be allowed to take public responsibility for suitable portions of the content.